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Category: Financial Planning
To date, only 36% of Malaysian is financially literate. Most of us need to improve financial planning rigorously in order to live happily.
Creating a Personal Budget: A Guide for Malaysians
Without a clear budget, it’s easy to overspend, accumulate debt, and miss out on saving opportunities. However, by creating and sticking to a personal budget, you can avoid these financial pitfalls.
Essential Financial Goals for Malaysians
Without clear financial goals, it’s easy to fall into the trap of overspending, accumulating debt, and not saving enough for the future.
Understanding Financial Planning in Malaysia
Failing to plan financially can lead to overwhelming debt, insufficient savings, and a stressful retirement. But with a well-structured financial plan, you can avoid these pitfalls and pave the way for financial success
Kenapa Financial Health Check Penting Untuk Anda?
Sama seperti pemeriksaan kesihatan, begitu juga dengan kewangan. Financial Health Check adalah sangat penting.
Explained: Flat Interest Rate vs Effective Interest Rate
Interest rate can be differ to any financing that you are applying. There are flat rate and floating rate.
Explained: Type of Financing in Malaysia
There are 2 types of financing that is available in Malaysia. Which is term rate and variable rate financing.
FP Story: Computer Validation System Consultant
Here is the story of a Computer Validation System Consultant working in Singapore and his plan to help and support his family members
Explained: Asset Class
To become a Sophisticated Investor, one must be able to understand unique features of asset class in investment world
Explained: Malaysian Bankruptcy
Although bankruptcy level in Malaysia is not at alarming level, government need to educate Malaysians to in order unlock its economy.